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It is the goal of ICAAP to further the art and science of independent scholarly publication. In pursuit of that goal, The Craft seeks to train interested individuals in the craft of scholarly publication. It is hoped that by offering an apprenticeship in this new and exciting area of scholarly communication, the next generation of scholars will graduate with the scholarly and technical ability to initiate their own independent projects.

The position(s) of editorial apprentice requires a basic facility with the tools of electronic publication including email, word processors, HTML, stylesheets, and the like. A good academic record, and understanding of the basic philosophy of the journal are also required.

Duties include handling submissions, obtaining peer review, copy editing, finalizing the conversion of documents, managing the journal numbers, soliciting papers, etc. All duties are performed under the supervision and guidance of the journals managing editor, Mike Sosteric.

We are not looking for editorial assistants. The successful apprentice will perform all the duties
required of editors of electronic journals.

The term of apprentice appointments run for 2 consecutive years.

If you are an advanced graduate or are a scholar who knows someone who would be interested in this opportunity, please contact Mike Sosteric.

Last modified: 05/17/2001 14:01:10